If you believe that these questions served a legitimate investigative function, you should explain this to an increasingly skeptical public.
They also fulfil a number of investigative and disciplinary functions which could be described as judicial.
Such a unit would interview witnesses, track down records and perform other investigative functions.
"It's removing the investigative function from the agency that is concerned about providing the services."
The defence was now able to search for or provide evidence to the court, and the court itself ceased to perform investigative functions.
In Fiji, the police have an investigative function.
Police had investigative and administrative functions and was under the mayor.
If that is correct, what does it say about the adequacy, at that point, of the Department's own investigative functions?
Whatever the reason, the danger of crippling the investigative function of journalism is increasing.
At the core of Congress' lawmaking, investigative and oversight functions lies the committee system.