During an investigative mission to Earth, he attempts to act as a calming influence among the members of the Royal Family.
Today the agency's primary investigative mission is to safeguard the payment and financial systems of the United States.
It was an investigative mission.
The man puffed a cigaret to nervous life and said: "I am here on an investigative mission for my government."
Sev then showed them his Central Worlds pass and explained that he was on an investigative mission having nothing to do with Polyon or Shemali.
Investigations Our investigative mission is to safeguard the payment and financial systems of the United States.
Each of these is interrelated and all support the investigative mission.
The combination of the information revolution and the effects of globalization caused the investigative mission of the Secret Service to expand dramatically.
We issued two reports and sent an investigative mission to Cuba in the last year.
He barely finished the work in time; almost immediately, he and Ullis received orders to escort the bribe-taking admiral on an "investigative mission" to Melaquin.