Their work on the Rockwell case started as most investigative projects do: a gut feeling.
Creating collaborative investigative projects using broadcast, print and the Web became his specialty.
Some investigative projects often take months, with their payoff uncertain.
Mr. Kosner said last week that two major investigative projects were under way.
The magazine, known for large investigative projects and left-leaning politics, has increased its circulation to 236,000 from 132,000 in 1998.
He stopped writing the Market Place column and instead focused on investigative projects.
It remains one of the largest single investigative projects in modern science.
Since investigative projects require a sizable investment of time and resources, we tend to be rather deliberative in making that first decision.
The Post, he said, "is more focused on large investigative projects and series.
This was an investigative project and required the student to examine his or her work in a broader social context.