Law enforcement authorities usually respond slowly or not at all, and provide little or no investigative support to victims.
The Detective Division is primarily utilized as investigative support for the Patrol Division.
I don't know what their investigative support is like, but on the physical side, I'd have to say they're okay.
King's office continued to provide investigative support, which resulted in a guilty plea by Johnson in the related federal investigation.
These Analysts assists LEAs with investigative support on processing drug cases and criminals.
ABI provides specialized investigative support to smaller agencies requesting help in cases and it provides detective services to all areas not served by local police.
David Williams, Treasury's inspector general for tax administration, replied that he was providing "investigative support" to Barrett's team.
X Division provided investigative support to the entire force.
In 2001, Boyd became Deputy Chief of all specialized investigative and operational support units.
Transit Police Detectives provide investigative support.