Investigators alleged that 10-15 other employees were involved in the operations.
Investigators alleged that Pitera had been involved in as many as 60 murders.
An investigator had alleged that Zong "...earned far more than this and hasn't fully reported the tax for years".
The affidavit describes what investigators allege took place between Zimmerman and Martin on the night of the shooting.
Investigators allege in documents and interviews that Mr. Hassan stole as much as $3 million over three or four years.
Another case involves a group that included several Britons which, investigators alleged, attempted to export components intended to enhance the performance of Iranian aircraft.
But a raid on a house in the New Baghdad district netted Um Sattar and the family that investigators allege was holding her.
Investigators have alleged that Miss Tonkin and Mr. Reid bilked other couples the same way at least twice before.
The investigator alleged that between $125,000 and $650,000 in dues were illegally collected, and demanded that Glimco refund these dues immediately.
Mr. Montemayor also denied any knowledge of more than $100 million that investigators allege eventually ended up in PRI party coffers.