A police official said that investigators were awaiting toxicology tests to determine whether the woman had been given a date rape drug.
Michael Drewniak, a spokesman for the United States attorney's office, said federal investigators were awaiting the results of the state case.
Mr. Saunders said investigators were awaiting results of chemical lab tests and the processing of photographic evidence.
An autopsy was performed yesterday, and investigators are awaiting the results of toxicology and tissue tests, said Ellen Borakove, a spokeswoman for the office.
The investigators awaited the arrival of the perch amid a copse of toppled trees near the still smoldering chancery walls.
That was the caliber of the gun used to shoot Ms. Gotkin last Sunday, the police said, but investigators were still awaiting ballistics tests.
Witnesses said Mr. Zebrowski had been drinking, but investigators are awaiting the results of toxicology tests, the lieutenant said.
However, investigators were also awaiting test results from the City Medical Examiner's office to determine whether the fetus found outside the clinic was more than 24 weeks past conception and could have been a result of an illegal third-trimester abortion.
Detective Mark Patterson, a police spokesman, said there did not appear to be any evidence of sexual assault, although investigators were awaiting results of an autopsy.
While investigators were awaiting the results of ballistics tests, they said they believed that the bystander may have been killed by a police bullet that went astray.