The investigators then compare the value of clinical findings available to the physician versus the results of more intensive testing or the results of delayed clinical follow up.
With traditional historical controls, investigators compare outcome among subjects who receive a new intervention with outcome among a previous group of subjects who received the standard intervention.
The investigators then compared the two groups' answers to questions about nine kinds of depression symptoms, including a loss of appetite, sleeping problems and thoughts about suicide.
The investigators then compared each women with advanced cancer to a woman with a similar cancer who was about the same age but did not have a BRCA1 mutation.
The investigators compared the vote totals recorded on the machines after this year's primary with the paper records produced by the machines.
After the animals die, investigators compare the pattern of tumours produced by the dosed animals with those of matched controls, which did not receive the compound.
Several investigators have compared the ACR and Chapel Hill criteria.
The investigators compared a, "first-generation antipsychotic, perphenazine, with several newer drugs in a double-blind study".
The investigators could not compare sick-out rates for the baggage handlers because US Airways did not have numbers for 2003.
Furthermore, investigators took volumetric measurements of the grey and white matter of the brains of their test subjects and compared those measurements to their normal control subjects.