He said investigators dug into one pit on Tuesday and found 40 freshly killed greyhounds, with the tattooed identification numbers still visible on their ears.
A search warrant was eventually obtained, and investigators dug through Askins' backyard.
As the department confronts the scandal, which has enveloped 27 officers so far, it remains unclear how deep investigators will dig in exhuming the precinct's past.
As the news media and congressional investigators dug deeper, however, they found evidence that Mr. da Silva's 2002 presidential campaign was financed illegally.
In the meantime, as the investigators have dug deeper into Mr. Kim's records, they have stumbled onto a much broader violation of campaign finance law.
As the investigators dig deeper, they discover that Ward is performing a series of grisly experiments in an effort to actually resurrect his long-dead relative Curwen.
Leading an Investigation The more the investigators dig, the more they find themselves under the threat of a sudden "disappearance."
As investigators silently dig deeper, previous revelations sink in: Let's say I want to make an untraceable investment in a political figure.
While close-mouthed investigators dug and poked for the evidence she predicted would be there, Ms. Allison alternated between walking the lot and sitting in the air-conditioned squad car.
As far as my investigators have dug, and they're good at their work, he's clean.