The investigators at first pursued a possible connection to the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.
But the inquiry there, still before a grand jury, is just one of many that federal investigators are pursuing in the state.
But investigators considered the allegation without merit and never pursued it.
Similarly on the operational side, separate investigators can pursue different subjects.
Investigators pursued many people, as well as companies, with those initials.
Investigators are pursuing the theory that the modus operandi was the same here.
As a result, investigators are pursuing their new theory: that a shaped-charge bomb was hidden inside the dry bay.
Neither does he think the killings back then were the work of a cult, an angle he and other investigators pursued for a while.
Investigators are pursuing other avenues in the United States.
As investigators have pursued various threads of the latest case, it has yielded a more complex picture of what happened.