After all, investigators have relied on these same experts for scientific advice from the earliest days of the investigation, back when Iraq was a prime suspect.
In the inquiry by the Comptroller's office, which cleared Vanguard, no workers were interviewed and investigators relied solely on company records.
French investigators rely heavily on the analysis of correspondences.
Still, criminal investigators rely heavily on the results of forensic tests that the contamination makes ambiguous.
Many private investigators increasingly rely not only on electronic databases but personal information bought in an underground market that includes telephone records, bills, even medical histories.
The investigators have relied on a variety of tools, including wiretaps and subpoenas.
If investigators relied on searching by Keyword Plus, the search strategy might miss many potentially relevant studies.
All concluded that the original investigators relied on outdated theories and folklore to justify the determination of arson.
To detect the work of a skilled forger, investigators must rely on other methods.
Ergi v Turkey - there was a breach here because the investigators relied solely on evidence provided by the police who were being investigated.