To find why that safeguard failed, investigators removed miles of bundled wire from the elevator for examination.
On Saturday evening, armed with a search warrant, investigators entered the house, videotaped the interior and removed evidence.
The investigators removed T cells from the child's blood, stimulated them to grow in the laboratory and added normal ADA genes.
The investigators removed the tumors and then injected half of the mice with angiostatin each day and the others with salt water, as a comparison.
The investigators removed white cells from the patients periodically and tested them to see if they could fight cytomegalovirus infections.
On March 3, 2009 investigators removed concrete walls built after the war to seal the cave.
Shortly after the embryo started to develop, the investigators removed some of its cells and used them to create clones.
The investigators removed cells from the patients' lungs and examined them for evidence of cytomegalovirus infection.
On Friday, investigators removed three boxes of documents after a seven-hour search of the plant.
The investigator removed the envelope and Reed's name was written in block letters.