Using chemiluminescence produced by cells and extracts, several investigators have showed the role of reactive oxygen species in different disorders.
In 1971, investigators showed that a wide range of these very hard problems were mathematically equivalent: a solution to one would solve all.
More recently, investigators have shown that vitamins and other food substances can curtail precancerous changes in cells from people at high risk of cancer.
A. No, but investigators have not yet shown her any photographs.
Another gap is that investigators have not shown just how the higher current could enter the wires.
Earlier today, police officials deflected questions about reports that investigators had shown some witnesses they interviewed a graphic representation of a potential suspect.
Indeed, several investigators have shown that alpha can take on quite high values even when the set of items measures several unrelated latent constructs.
The large-headed investigator showed some surprise at the commissioner's early arrival.
But though silence fell, a few moments later the second investigator, outside the room, showed a group of three Tefflans trotting toward the office.
The show mixes ingredients from popular spy films and private investigator shows with violent realism.