Last February, federal investigators subpoenaed documents related to the conservancy's activities and donors, which include state employees and contractors who have done business with the state.
Congressional investigators have subpoenaed documents from the New York Stock Exchange as well as from five Wall Street firms that did business with Ellis.
Over the next two years, investigators focused more closely on Mr. Giffen and subpoenaed records from Mercator.
Mr. Rowland spoke on the day The Hartford Courant reported that federal investigators had subpoenaed at least three contractors who worked on his cottage in Litchfield.
The special investigator, who reports to the city's investigations commissioner but not to the Board of Education, can subpoena witnesses, interrogate them and draw up public reports alleging wrongdoing.
Twice in the last two years investigators subpoenaed city records.
But investigators yesterday subpoenaed business records of Mr. Cincotta's company, Glencord Building, to determine if the structure was being illegally rented.
No investigator can subpoena "records" to trace the flow of money - because there simply aren't any.
Congressional investigators, who are examining the pricing practices of big drug companies in Medicaid and Medicare programs, subpoenaed the chief executive of Pfizer early this month after the company refused to provide information.
In a news conference, Mr. Gentile said investigators from his office yesterday subpoenaed all the financial records from Board 9.