According to Miss Pietrangolini, investigators have unearthed frauds whereby specialists ordered sophisticated machinery, like kidney dialysis machines, on the local health unit budget, then used them in their private practices.
Under one of its terms, Justice Department officials said they would acknowledge that investigators had unearthed no evidence that Mr. Huang engaged in any espionage or violated national security laws, Justice Department officials said.
The officials would not discuss the nature or the source of the accusations, and said it was far too early to predict whether investigators would unearth criminal violations.
In some cases, investigators unearthed bad spending habits and broken rules that were only more baldfaced than in other city school districts.
Surprised law enforcement authorities revealed today that they had identified a woman they did not expect to find among the bodies investigators have unearthed from the tumbledown green home of an unemployed school aide and his family.
Today, as investigators unearthed dozens of dogs, Paula and Sheldon Klein came to the Long Island Pet Cemetery to visit their two deceased miniature Schnauzers, Muffy and Becky.
But investigators have unearthed a series of e-mail messages by officials working under Ms. Burton in March 2004.
In the weeks since Mr. Cullen first made his startling admissions, investigators have unearthed evidence that raises questions about his candor.
The carnage in Uganda deepened again today as investigators unearthed 81 bodies at the home here of a member of a doomsday cult.
Armed with search warrants, investigators quickly unearthed an evidentiary gold mine at Mr. Nichols's house that cast him in a harsh new light, not as a supporting bit player, but as a full collaborator.