Prosecutors say investigators videotaped the meeting at a downtown restaurant at which the payment changed hands.
Mr. Fernandez's action drew praise from the schools' special commissioner for investigation, whose investigators recently videotaped a would-be principal paying $2,000 to a school board member who had promised an appointment.
On Saturday evening, armed with a search warrant, investigators entered the house, videotaped the interior and removed evidence.
Last July, investigators from the Manhattan District Attorney's office videotaped Mr. Alvarez during a sting operation.
Mr. Fernandez's action drew praise from Mr. Stancik, whose investigators had videotaped a would-be principal paying $2,000 to a school board member who had promised an appointment.
Leslie Gersing, a spokeswoman for Attorney General Robert Abrams, said investigators videotaped debris being dumped last month and in February.
The students, Mr. Protess and the private investigator, Paul Ciolino, videotaped Ms. Jackson's statement and gave the tape to a CBS news producer.
They say that the woman, Rasheeda Moore, was secretly working with police investigators at the time and that the investigators videotaped the incident with a hidden camera.
An investigator for The HSUS videotaped workers abusing downed animals unable to walk into the kill pens on their own.
The Associated Press (AP) reported that the investigator videotaped 1,000 sows living in gestation crates.