The dollar also seesawed during the day on the uncertain fate of an investment tax overseas.
The good news is that investors can do several things at this time of year to minimize the impact of investment taxes.
When Congress cut investment taxes three years ago, it was clear that the highest-income Americans would gain the most, because they had the most money in investments.
Consider an empirical example: In the 1960s, President Johnson instituted an "investment tax credit."
What does he think that his investment tax would do to it?
But a rarely mentioned feature of the investment tax is that it helps stimulate foreign suppliers as much as domestic ones.
The office handles investment, tax and other services for clients.
Saga too does excellent investment, income tax and insurance articles from time to time.
After family taxes, investment tax and cinema tax we now have taxes to cool down the climate and purify the atmosphere.
There are preferable approaches, among them taxes to discourage institutions from holding stocks for less than a year and targeted investment tax credits.