As investors acquire more mutual funds, many wind up with index-like portfolios.
Equity price based multiples are most relevant where investors acquire minority positions in companies.
In another example, if a rich investor acquired a new building for $1 million, he could reduce his taxable income that much.
Outside investors can also acquire stakes in medical office buildings; the minimum investments generally range from $50,000 to $250,000.
Well, you and your fellow investors did acquire a whole team.
By eliminating questions of how an investor acquired the stock, the newest provision will produce a simpler system.
In 1996, she said, new investors acquired the company as a result of her quest for additional capital.
The deal marks the first time foreign investors have acquired a major stake in an important daily Spanish newspaper, analysts said.
In a leveraged buyout, investors acquire a company's shares with mostly borrowed money.
A sound investor, he acquired valuable properties in his early days.