At the same time as investor appetite for stock funds has been waning, companies have started reporting disappointing profits.
While investor appetite for real estate is on the wane, there are still some segments of the market that are doing quite well.
"Partly as a reaction to investor appetite, we seem to see more and more retail hitting the market," he said.
And investor appetite remained ravenous for the latest Internet company to go public.
That money has become increasingly scarce since Western investor appetite for Internet companies ebbed earlier this year.
"This depends on a number of developments, including the evolution of financial markets and investor appetite for risk."
Foreign investment in China fell as the global downturn and financial volatility dampened investor appetite for spending.
Lenders do, certainly, have more money available, which is driven by the good economy and investor appetite for securities.
That should be a test of investor appetite as 2012 gets into full swing.
Others said it illustrated the very weak investor appetite for stocks in general.