The first program is a $1.7 billion tax credit over five years to encourage investors to build housing for low-income families.
On its southern most tip it has a very fine beach and some prospective investors were building a hotel in the late 1990s.
Similarly, when an investor builds a building and creates something of value, those profits should receive special treatment.
In the 1990s, Chinese investors built many small hydroelectric power plants, which use the Alazani's strong current.
The investors or factory owners built hundreds of boarding houses near the mills, where textile workers lived year-round.
Many of the newer partnerships seek investors to buy licenses and build the systems.
Though aware of the risks, bank managers said they felt that other investors with no stake in poverty reduction would eventually build the pipeline anyway.
In most cases, the foreign investor did not build an American business, rather he purchased it, which does not create new jobs.
Walt Disney and the original investors built the Celebrity's complex at a cost of $6 million.
In return, investors can build lucrative towers on the rest of the property.