For years, hordes of investors called technical analysts have ignored the admonitions about efficient markets.
Yet venture capitalists are likely to be encouraged by their American investors, called limited partners or L.P.'s, to start making deals.
Major investors called for the resignation of key personnel, including CEO Jane Cavanagh, over this issue as well as delays to key titles.
They bought control of the tower from Henry Crown and leased it to a group of investors called Empire State Building Associates.
Mr. Allen then signed on with her production company, Jean Doumanian Productions, which is financed by a group of investors called Sweetland Films.
These investors, called short sellers, sell stocks and then aim to buy back the shares at lower prices.
A group of investors called S.O.Q. Partners L.P. sought Sun in 1987.
With excellent product and decision sales boomed and by 1976 the company was sold to a private group of investors called Sitca.
In 1994, a group of investors called FGB Realty purchased the 55-acre property for $1.16 million and planned to subdivide it into 10 housing lots.
In 1993, they produced their first home video for investors called, The Beardstown Ladies: Cooking Up Profits on Wall Street.