But the C-rated paper that many investors are chasing has returned 12.8 percent this year, up from 9 percent.
With investors chasing fewer bonds, they argue, bond prices are sure to rise.
For example, many experts warned that investors who might be suddenly shocked by a decrease in income from their investments should not chase yield.
Individual investors often chase stocks after important developments have been priced into shares.
Wealthy investors are chasing opportunities in the midst of upheaval.
Third, the best time to make a long-term investment in emerging markets is not after a big run, when investors are chasing inflated prices.
Money is "sitting on the shelf" waiting to be invested, and investors are now chasing entrepreneurs, he said, rather than the other way around.
The investors, and the companies they finance, are chasing an enormous market.
It's also why so many investors chase returns.
But emerging-markets investors are often chasing the most recent returns, only to find that they have missed the boat.