In early 2007, institutional investors discovered the company and the proprietary manufacturing process that had been developed.
By the middle of last year, they had decided to go public so that investors could discover them.
Meanwhile, foreign investors have discovered they cannot always count on Chinese law or contracts.
We know what can happen when investors suddenly discover these stocks.
If a slip is filed away without a look, an investor may not discover a mistake for a month or two.
Now, in many cases, investors who went for yields are discovering that such promises, even when kept, can be hollow.
Public and private investors are also discovering the trend.
The investor has since discovered that many of the stocks were said by regulators to have been manipulated.
The bill would also provide a short statute of limitation that could easily run out before investors discover they have been victimized.
Even though we're in a low-tax environment, more investors are discovering the benefits of municipal bonds.