But the general consensus seems to have come full circle in the 1990's, as more investors embrace the junk-bond market (most now calling it high yield).
The rebound also provides an illustration of how fiercely American investors have embraced the faith that stock prices will continue to rise over the long term.
So if you were to argue that investors in listed stocks have not embraced full electronic trading, I would concur.
It was a stock that many investors embraced.
The company's stock has nearly doubled since its initial public offering last June, as investors embraced the concept of extended-stay hotels.
As the world witnessed earlier this year, when investors embrace quality, they hug Treasuries the hardest.
Such arrangements have become common as wealthy investors and individuals, hungry for involvement in the moviemaking process, have embraced the independent film world.
When investors embrace risk, as they did last spring, spreads between Treasury issues and more speculative debt are narrow.
Still, investors did not immediately embrace the deal.
With investors and media executives embracing the phrase, its leap into politics could be predicted.