For instance, he said, investors have favored shares in bank, drug and beverage companies, which are considered safer.
Many investors favor companies that say they will consider a stock buyback plan.
But some investors favor faster, more anonymous trades, which they can obtain on electronic exchanges.
Amgen rose $1.46, to $59.55, a sign that investors favor the acquisition.
Analysts said investors were favoring these stocks because their sales would be expected to hold up relatively well even as the economy slowed.
Foreign investors are also favoring the other two Baltic republics.
For weeks, investors have favored those sectors as having the most to gain in an improving economy.
Black investors favor funds over individual stocks, Asians the reverse.
Although investors have favored that strategy for some time, they were not impressed.
In the last year and a half, investors have been favoring a very small group of big, well-known stocks.