Many other investors follow in the next five days.
This mutual fund flow data seems to indicate that most investors (despite what they may say) actually follow a buy high, sell low strategy.
When investors closely follow each other's cues, it is easier for panic to take hold and affect the market.
Enough investors are following through to virtually guarantee that 1992 will be a record year for stock funds.
Both investors followed the first rule of real estate investment: use other people's money.
Too many investors had followed Wesray's lead; a wise man knew when to leave the party.
Some smaller investors, more oriented toward higher quality wines than the high-volume market, have later followed.
Fund companies are reluctant to do so, however, fearing investors might follow the managers if they leave the company.
In some ways, individual investors are following the institutions.
When enough other investors follow you into the same stocks, ownership can become dangerously concentrated.