Sometimes investors reap benefits amid this rivalry, particularly when companies cut prices to gain an edge.
Still, venture capital continued to flow into the country, and now investors are reaping the rewards.
So many new investors reaped nice capital gains, which pushed the average bond fund's return for the year to 17.2 percent, double the historical level.
Pick the right ones - premiums, as he calls them - and investors will reap the rewards.
The first investor would reap an unfair profit, so the practice is banned.
The hope is that by buying them now, investors can reap a windfall when the share prices rise.
In fact, investors who put their money into the companies that broker deals, manage buildings and provide related services have reaped particularly rich returns.
The way you propose, the investors would reap forty-nine per cent.
According to her findings, major investors who take responsibility for improving corporate performance can reap superior long-term results.
If there is a market upturn, investors can reap some of the benefits.