The venture was conceived when memory-chip supplies were scarce, and the high price meant that the investors would recover their investment quickly.
Within months, the new-economy bubble burst, sending tech stocks into a bear market from which many investors have still not recovered.
If all the potential class members submitted claims, the court calculated that an investor with 100 shares would recover about 62 cents.
If the investors recover more than $1 billion from the investment banks, the companies will not have to pay.
The investors will recover their money as they are covered by an insurance policy.
Once the investors have recovered their outlay, the facility created is transferred to the government.
Even a faithful investor never recovers from that burden, regardless of how well the fund does over time.
Participating investors will not recover the profits they could have made under a well-managed account theory of damages.
Although the music hall failed financially, he ensured that investors recovered the money invested.
But investors in taxable accounts recover only a fraction of what they have lost.