In recent months, share prices have recovered as investors have regained confidence in mining's future.
It took over a decade and a half following the crash before domestic investors regained confidence to invest in the stock market again.
For another, hardly anyone believes that investors will soon regain the confidence shattered in last month's market debacle.
The American stock market rose sharply yesterday, providing more evidence that investors are regaining their confidence after the terrorist attacks.
The dollar fell sharply against the yen as investors regained some confidence in the Japanese currency.
Mining and commodity companies gained ground as investors regained their appetite for risk.
"But now investors are regaining their confidence because they think a lot of that stuff in Asia won't affect us."
Over the next year, investors regained their nerve and the Dow rose 23.1 percent.
The dollar fell sharply against the yen but otherwise was little changed in foreign exchange trading yesterday as investors regained confidence in the Japanese currency.
Stocks advanced for a second consecutive session yesterday as investors regained confidence that corporate earnings growth was not slowing.