She glared into its invisible face and tried to push forward, but went nowhere.
The business about an invisible illusionary face was beyond him, so he fixed on something simple.
The baronet had been sitting at one of the card tables, his face invisible as he contemplated a hand.
But the invisible face is still more searched by the heat than the visible face.
"I will trade you this smile," she said, turning her invisible face in Kerby's direction.
The only thing I can say is that at least for now, the invisible face of poverty is finally being revealed.
He grinned at me, teeth white in a nearly invisible face.
Her mother sat beyond them, her face almost invisible behind the folds of a white handkerchief.
Tom feared that the man with the invisible face would run him through, but instead he said, You know what you are, child.
It was so weird, getting kissed by an invisible face.