Once it fell away behind him, he emerged on the other side, in some other place and time, as a silent, invisible observer of the woman's life.
He glanced down at an imaginary sales slip in his hand, performing for the benefit of the invisible observer.
Here and there a lone figure stood, bathed in a cone of white light, narrating the scene to millions of invisible observers.
Some one was in the vestibule; an invisible observer, who had drawn himself into darkness at Cleer's approach.
Being homeless made him an invisible observer, Mr. Stringer said.
He had always pictured himself more as an invisible observer, a chronicler of the dwarfs exploits, unmentioned in the text.
I had not yet had the opportunity of hearing Mary's reaction to being the invisible and silent observer of her descendant's behavior.
She is always an invisible observer, always at some distance.
Gradually Sesame seemed to be getting into the scene, like an invisible observer, and she knew the others were also.
So we can move around here as invisible observers-" "Hold on!