The State Senate's bill would invite constitutional challenges on all those fronts.
In addition, Congress wrote a sloppy bill that invites endless legal challenges.
If it is, they added, the patent is likely to invite challenges on the grounds that the process is obvious to anybody skilled in biotechnology.
Even if constitutional, such considerations would surely have invited legal challenges from affirmative action opponents condemning them as mere proxies for race.
It was common to see Manchus putting signs in front of their houses to invite challenges.
As we shall see below, unionism that dares to be powerful invites burgeoning challenges from other powerful interests.
The sites offer a way to gain a new audience and even invite challenges to curatorial authority, while reinforcing the museum's identity.
But the thought of even a delicate show of interest horrifled the girl, and a response was sure to invite further challenges.
Rather than invite challenges and risk government second-guessing, broadcasters simply avoided controversial issues.
The surest way to invite challenges to our leadership is to gloat about American dominance.