In the window of Guzek's Meat Shoppe on Remsen Street, there is a sign inviting inquiries about Cohoes Carpet.
This establishes you with more importance than before and begins to invite inquiries from those whove known you forever.
Invite letters, comments and inquiries.
I would have loved to chat about my blanket, but no one spoke to me, probably because my face, which is stony in repose, does not invite inquiries.
Hence it gives a veritable extension, not, of course, to our knowledge of objects of nature, but to our conception of nature itself-nature as mere mechanism being enlarged to the conception of nature as art-an extension inviting profound inquiries as to the possibility of such a form.
His signs invited further inquiries if Wesley thought they would be productive; Uhura said as much.
"No." His answer was clipped and didn't invite further inquiries.
The United States Department of Health and Human Services ( invites inquiries through its healthfinder .
But Ms. Rasco invites such inquiries, turning questions about her policy views into a conversation about motherhood.
Word from the grapevine that a well-known academician is getting a divorce or was on the losing side of a power struggle is enough to invite inquiries.