All right, a lot of these salary figures invite skepticism.
In other words, hiding behind anonymity always invites skepticism, whether for a good cause or a bad one, depending on one's position.
To promise grand things for the future was to invite harsh skepticism about why they had not already been done.
By glorifying his success while "half-drunk," Wells invites skepticism when he does not pitch well.
Even so, the jacket copy invites skepticism: just how used by Times writers and editors will it be?
The announcement invites skepticism: Why should a bureaucratic shuffle make any difference?
What he said last night invites more skepticism than confidence.
But from the moment the idea formed to pitch Rio for the Olympics, the proposal has invited skepticism.
The notion of luxury soccer equipment, however, invites skepticism.
The overlaps and vagueness of the Gore proposals invite skepticism.