Tonight, instead of wanting visitors to stay away, he was inviting them to his great mansion.
Mrs. Walsh invited 50 guests to her mansion at noon on a Sunday.
On Friday, he did just that, inviting all of them to the governor's mansion for a reception after the speech.
Its Chamber Orchestra was invited to the Governor's mansion for the 2008-2009 school year.
John then invites his father to his mansion to live with him.
He invited his former fellow lawmakers to the governor's mansion for dinner, and assured them his office door was "always open."
She invited these insiders to the governor's mansion, and even led some of them on a helicopter tour.
Linda invites Donna to her mansion and elaborate party.
Charles eventually invited him to the Kochs' mansion, to participate in an informal political-discussion group.
Meanwhile, Horace sympathizes with Angela and invites her to his mansion.