The committee invited travelers to visit their town and see proof that art, imagination and industry hadn't died with the classical era.
It felt like an unexpected gift to walk through a work of art at O'Hare: a corridor whose changing light and planetary music invite travelers to Saturn's rings.
Also opened at the time was an airstrip, making Geode the only park that invited travelers to arrive by private plane.
A generous man, Baker began operating a free ferry across the river and even invited travelers into his home for meals and lodging.
Riding by the King's House and turning into an open, paved court, I stepped down before a small inn whose sign invited travelers.
In Queensland, however, well-maintained rest areas sometimes explicitly invite travelers to stay overnight, as a road safety measure, but this situation is rare elsewhere.
While the Maya remain suspicious of anyone from outside small rural communities, they are interested in foreign contacts and often invite travelers into their homes and festivals.
So long in 2008, it still holds second position after Topworld invited travelers to vote for their own Top 10 list over adventures.
Pai is one of those friendly little towns that invite travelers with more time than money to linger.