Jones invoked the rollover before the 1994 playoff opener to relieve pressure on the rookie coach.
It was a formula he invoked again before the historians.
She used to invoke Aandaal before any public performance in order to gain her blessing.
The United States threatened last year to invoke a national security exemption before the trade organization.
This law, rarely invoked before Sept. 11, is now the cornerstone of the Justice Department's domestic war on terrorism.
The numerous Martyrist crew members invoked a fervent prayer before the first jump.
Since the EC competition rules apply directly in member states, private parties can invoke Articles 85 and 86 before their domestic courts.
The earliest inscription invoking Ganesha before any other deity is associated with the merchant community.
Ms. Collins, who said she's been praying every day, said she would not invoke a last minute prayer before the debate.
Short of invoking Shakespeare before his time (the film begins in 1554), "Elizabeth" tries every conceivable way to tart up its action.