In addition to Peter Angelos's problems, Detroit Tigers manager Sparky Anderson was put on an involuntary leave of absence as he refused to manage replacement players.
His union political opponents had decided that his erratic behavior and poor physical condition justified putting him on involuntary leave when he suffered a third heart attack.
A United Nations spokesman said the 3 were among 21 people put on involuntary leave in March after accusations that staff members were selling agency services to refugees for up to $5,000.
He's back, after yet another year of involuntary leave.
Then her boss prescribes an involuntary sick leave for her nervous tension.
By this time, his political opponents had decided that his erratic behavior and poor physical condition justified putting him on involuntary leave.
In early April the commission tried to place Chief Gates on an involuntary leave, but was stymied by the City Council, which allowed the Chief to remain in his post.
Three days after Hofle's arrest, Richter, the Police President of Prussia, was placed on an involuntary "leave" and a week later was dispatched into "interim retirement."
And they cannot put students on involuntary medical leave, just because they develop a serious mental illness.
I was already on involuntary leave but he couldn't leave well enough alone.