He blinked several times, waited for the involuntary tears to drain away, and then turned slowly to behold the dawn.
The blow to the face was hard enough to bring involuntary tears of pain to her eyes.
He knuckled involuntary tears from his eyes and sat up.
Todd was so affected by the tableau that he could feel involuntary tears starting in his eyes.
After blotting the involuntary tears from his eyes, the Maitre takes three steps forward, then stops.
I called the doctor back at Mount Sinai, and he said that to go for a full minute would cause involuntary tears.
When he flushed the involuntary tears from his eyes he could see the heavy door at the back of the court was shut.
This time, Margo was the one who blinked involuntary tears.
She choked on smoke; its bitterness brought up involuntary tears.
The movement sent lightning through his spine and right side, took his breath, produced involuntary tears.