Women thus serve, as do men, in unpaid positions involving teaching, administration, missionary service, humanitarian efforts, and other capacities.
But it was only the latest scandal involving the President's party and administration.
The most common current therapy involves administration of estrogen.
Psychiatric treatment for depression may involve administration of electric shock to the (anaesthetised) patient's head.
Other blunders involved communication and administration - such as the wrong contact details being taken for a patient who required a visit.
Jobs with such companies might involve analysis, marketing and administration.
Most of his influential works focused on that area, and almost all of them involved public administration at least tangentially.
The campaign will be a co-ordinated programme running throughout 1992 and will involve service, sales and administration.
Such delays are unreasonably long in some Member States when they involve public administration.
In the beginning Immunotherapy treatments involved administration of cytokines such as Interleukin.