His new job involved advising Sanford I. Weil and John S. Reed in a three-man "Office of the Chairman."
Much of his work involves advising entrepreneurs and companies in corporate finance, shareholder and management concerns, employment and long-term business strategies.
The work involved advising the Central government on regulatory measures regarding pricing, etc.
Consistories are held in Vatican City for taking care of the business of the college, which usually involves advising the Pope on important matters concerning the church.
Errol Damelin grew up in South Africa and, following his graduation from business school, he began a career as an investment banker, which involved helping and advising entrepreneurs with their new business projects.
Mr. Lynch declined to discuss the Mattel matter or any of his previous clients, though he said that his law practice also involved advising companies that were not in imminent trouble.
His association with TBS began in late 1987 and involves advising the network on ways to acquire rights to sports events outside the United States and other international matters relating to sports.
And he has begun receiving the printed volumes and software vital to resuming his highly sophisticated practice, which involves advising accountants, lawyers and investment bankers about the complex tax and regulatory aspects of corporate mergers and acquisitions.
"The follow-up she does involves advising, supporting and if necessary counseling our students," Mr. Crane said.
A social media consultants' work involves advising clients on developing online media campaigns.