Aviation officials immediately opened an investigation of the incident, which was the most dramatic of three within 24 hours involving aircraft around the country.
Over the next two weeks a total of five searches were conducted involving aircraft, helicopters and up to 300 searchers.
It didn't involve aircraft, flying, or even airborne weapons.
Therefore, tactical operations involving aircraft were basically out the window.
There has been 5 significant incidents involving aircraft from or en route to the airport since the 1950s.
The humanitarian effort by Singapore involved more aircraft than any other foreign countries.
The President has said he would act only with the allies, so any air campaign could involve British and French aircraft.
A turning fight involving multiple aircraft with known bandits and friendlies mixed.
Such testing, involving civilian aircraft, is quite common and may well not be in the knowledge of a pilot.
There are also facilities for parachuting, air-to-ground attacks and other training involving aircraft.