The job of the day is a cop-and-buddy film involving guns and betrayal with just about all the actors turning into what Linus calls "lawn sprinklers" at the end.
As you may have guessed, those cards involve death and betrayal.
Bodie however remained certain that Wallace's death was necessary, as it involved (supposed) betrayal, whereas Marlo's murders were on the basis of ruthless killings.
Often the tales involve betrayal and humiliation, and through them Rhodes articulates everyone's worst intimacy nightmares.
Book 2 involves much betrayal, as the fighters realize one of their own has joined Sarlak, and the identity of Sarlak himself is revealed.
Barbie has multiple adventures, which involve pursuit, loss of friends and deep betrayal.
One of her more delightful tricks is to have one person intuit precisely what another is thinking, even when that thinking involves violence or betrayal.
When asked on The Oprah Winfrey Show whether the break-up involved betrayal, she said, "There was some stuff like that at the end.
Similar to Jyūyonsai no Haha before, the movie Koizora deals with the struggles of a young girl, involving betrayal, rape and abortion.