At least one third of Ayutthaya's royal successions involved bloodshed.
In modern times, the word is sometimes extended to mean any other long-standing feud, not necessarily involving bloodshed.
In modern times, the word also means any other long-standing feud, not necessarily involving bloodshed.
Nor do I listen exclusively to novels that involve bloodshed.
The revolt did not involve bloodshed and part of the civilian population participated.
Any defensive measures involving bloodshed are to be prevented.
He believed there was another way to resolve the transfer of power which did not involve bloodshed.
He said that the Black revolutions taking place in Africa also involved land and bloodshed.
Since the coup, which involved little bloodshed despite 10 hours of gunfire, Haiti's powerless and poor have found their voices.
When he does help others, his methods almost always involve excessive bloodshed, lying, torture, and other questionable acts.