This is a bottom-up approach that involves extensive discussions, conversations, and decision-making with the target community.
Clementine, My Clementine Q. Our Thanksgiving dinners always seem to involve conversations that lead to unanswered questions.
Two cameras were used simultaneously in scenes involving conversations between actors in different cars, which resulted in significant production time savings.
My job can involve difficult conversations, often with people I like and respect.
The scenes Valtorta wrote usually involve detailed conversations between people.
Since I had had years of practice reporting long and involved conversations that had had time to fade, that one was no trick at all.
Lee plays on words and heavily uses defamiliarization, often involving metaphysical conversations among characters.
The seven taped phone calls that bear Mr. Padilla's voice involve conversations with Mr. Hassoun from 1997 to 2000.
The bulk of the legal challenges to such restrictions involve conversations among employees.