In some cases, the procedure can be done laparoscopically, which involves smaller surgical cuts.
To reach this configuration involves cuts beyond the usual ones.
The same conclusion has been reached by conservatives in America: last week's debt deal involved cuts in spending but no "job-killing tax increases".
Injury involving minor cuts and bruises with a quick and complete recovery.
Some traditional action origami involved cuts but modern models typically are built with no cuts.
A through dado involves cuts which run between both edges of the surface, leaving both ends open.
They said the major hurdle involved military cuts.
Yet the draft budget for 2007-2013 presented by the Luxembourg presidency involves drastic cuts to spending on science, research, education and transport.
Too often the workforce learns about restructuring plans involving significant cuts in jobs or deteriorating pay and conditions after the decisions have been taken.
Those so-called retention deals mostly involved cuts in sales taxes and property taxes.