To be sure it was always recognized that in certain circumstances, such as those involving deceit, or an intention to cause harm or to exploit, one is responsible for inducing another to act.
Committee chair Lane Williamson called the case a "fiasco" and said Nifong's actions involved "dishonesty, fraud, deceit and misrepresentation."
Rangan is a straight-forward person who does not tolerate anything which involves impersonation and deceit.
It involves the lies and deceit of an administration in taking this country into a war of incredibly stupid proportions in which the mainstream media, including your newspaper, played an important role.
In the report, Enron came in for severe criticism from the commission, which said its strategies "involved deceit, including the provision of false information" in an attempt to manipulate prices.
It involves kidnaping or deceit.
If they failed to do so, extremely serious charges involving individual and corporate deceit relative to armaments contracts would be levelled by the War Department.
The plot involves romantic difficulties and deceit.
It may involve intentional deceit of others, or self deception.
Human trafficking involves force, violence, deceit and abuse of its victims and is totally unacceptable.