Simply driving up the coast in summer in those areas involves traffic jams and delays.
It suggests instead that changes be put into effect immediately, bypassing the normal procedures for rulemaking, which involve long delays for public comment.
Symptoms usually appear when children are between 3 and 6 months of age and involve delays in development, poor head control and an enlarged head.
Cash transfers from abroad may also involve delays, but Western Union transfers are available in many banks and post offices throughout the country.
Part of the shortfall involves construction problems and delays in approving contracts and measures like asbestos removal, she said.
Attempts to set up an interview with Mr. Shah, which involves red tape and delays, have so far been unsuccessful.
Early telephone bill-paying systems involved delays of sometimes days while banks were notified, checks were cut and bills were paid.
Neither do we believe that it makes much sense to include elements involving additional delays in the whole process of making this assistance available.
This question is the more relevant as the choice of housing may involve lengthy bureaucratic delays.
The current timetable involves delays of about five weeks after the end of the month.