Most of the color and excitement aimed at tourists involved displays of Guernesi dancing to music from antique instruments.
His work primarily involved research, fieldwork, excavations and displays.
The farcical climaxes both involve fiery displays emerging from the head of a gigantic statue or icon.
This involves vehicle and foot patrols, public displays, and meeting local dignitaries as well as visiting places of work and schools.
New groups will have to establish a hierarchy upon being introduced, which can involve displays of aggressive or sexual behaviour.
The effort will involve in-store displays, posters and promotional programs like two packs of cigarettes for the price of one.
Some Eleventh Night bonfires involve sectarian and loyalist paramilitary displays.
On this planet a courtship did not usually involve displays of valor.
Much of his work involves magnetic materials, reflective displays and copper plating.
The Hebrew Home does draw the line, banning relationships with minors and those that involve public displays.