Initial geological investigation occurred from 1946-1963 which involved drilling the sea-bed, echo sounding, submarine boring, observations using a mini-submarine, and seismic and magnetic surveys.
Trepanation involves drilling a hole in the skull.
Placing a pin involves drilling a small diameter hole through the side of the maul, into and through the handle, and usually out the other side.
The method used by miners to blast away rock involved drilling several holes across a rock face which would be filled with charges of gunpowder.
The planned route in the Pyrenees, which will involve drilling a five-mile-long tunnel through the Somport Pass, was conceived to move goods between Bordeaux, France, and Zaragoza, Spain.
The concept involves drilling a borehole about 5 km down into the Earth's crust.
The technique, called enhanced geothermal, involves drilling several holes - some two to three miles deep - into granite that has been held at chicken-roasting temperatures, around 400 degrees or more, by insulating layers of rock above.
This involves drilling a vertical hole into the deposit into which is pumped hot water.
That may involve drilling a hole through an outside wall.
Initial geological investigation occurred from 1946 to 1963, which involved drilling the sea-bed, sonic surveys, submarine boring, observations using a mini-submarine, and seismic and magnetic surveys.