In some cases this may involve employers in a supply-chain or across an industrial sub-sector collaborating this way.
It's considered to be a continual process that involves managers, staff, learners, employers, subcontractors and other partners.
Involving local governments, communities, employers, and schools, ActNow BC seeks to develop and promote programs that make British Columbians opt for healthy choices.
The most striking feature of this package, apart from its aim actively to involve employers and entrepreneurs, is a sharp reduction in the role of local government.
Many calls involve employers who, confused over the requirements of the immigration law, refuse to recognize the work-authorization card.
As a group, too, we are very clearly in favour of extending the three-pillar model, meaning public systems, occupational systems involving both employers and employees, and private or individual schemes.
We are a country that fully involves employers and trade unions - a 'voluntary pillar' - in all legislative decisions.
That is not to deny the wide range of activities that have involved employers.
A Compact gives teachers the chance to involve employers in dialogue about the use and form of such records.
The initiative involves employers, pension providers and Third Party Administrators working with The Pension Service to deliver these key pieces of financial information.